My Book Series

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Important announcement.

I once read this article about the word "Tolerance" and it seriously got me thinking.

You see one of the issues Aradia has to deal with is the issue of segregation amongst the hidden race. For a while I have been using the word Tolerance to describe her movement but needless to say reading this article put things into perspective.

This is the link to the article:

And these are the words which truly struck me.
"She interrupted me. "I already know about tolerance, mom." And I bristled.

I hate that word. I do.

I always have.

Conjuring put up with, endure, allow, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. My children may tolerate spinach, long grown-up conversations and too-cold-to-play-outside days. But they will not tolerate people.

People are meant to be celebrated. Enjoyed. Marveled at and learned from."

Powerful huh?

Well anyway regarding that article I actually talked to my editor Harrison R. Bradlow about changing the word tolerance in our book series. Funnily enough, he actually agreed with me. Scary how that man and I think alike. But then again we are partners.

 What I mean by changing per say is basically using a different word for the movement. One of the things we pride ourselves on is being original in our series. Although its impossible to be a 100% original in a fantasy series it doesn't mean we should not try. So we decided to use a word that has not really been used before or at least not commonly in the fantasy book department.

Here let me quote our exact conversation for you.

L:Have u given any thought to the words that will be used as an alternative for "tolerance"
H: I have. I'm still a big fan of something like "Forward." What do you think?
L: That sounds cool.
H:It has a good connotation without being blunt.
L:It doesn't sound sexual at all to you? Do we want to be simple or more complex?
H: I want it to be one word, but complex is fine.
L:Definitely needs to be one word. How about "Amelioration" Or "Revivification"?The second one sounds a lot cooler. More hip.
H: Doesn't sound plausible enough, but I like the idea. What if we truncate it: Reviv
L: U know amelioration means "making something better".
H:How about Melio?
L: That would be a truncate of the word right? I actually like it! What do u think Harry?
H: Great!

There you have it. Progress made. More importantly what this means that come this spring break or summer there will be changes to books 2-5 in order to better suit the word "Amelioration." So in addition to getting book 6 this summer you will also get updates to the already released Aradia books.
Talk about a double treat huh?

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