My Book Series

Monday, June 13, 2011

Its funny..,,

All these years I like to believe I have built an immunity to people saying things to me that hurt my feelings. Half of the stuff they say I know they dont mean as insults but either way... That in addition to bad reviews. My parents always told me that even if u hate it u got to take the bad with the good. So last night although I had fun I wasn't like the most well-liked person there. But hey at least I showed and had a good time. Worst part is ever since my break-ups (yes it's plural) I have been feeling really emotional vulnerable. I know it's not possible and stupid but I wish I could live a thousand miles away from people that way I wouldn't have to worry so much about the way I act or about my feelings. I wouldn't have to change to suit other people's needs. But hey that is life I suppose. On the positive side although I made a bad impresion on the Johnsons last night at least I still had fun and helped to promote my book. In addition I called the Weisslers apologizing and they got back to me today and said it was okay. I may piss people off but at least I am good at making it right.

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